One Focus Property Management - Wednesday, December 29, 2021
2022 is right around the corner, which means it is time to set our goals! My 2022 resolutions for landlords are just five items that if you put a little bit of effort you will see big rewards. This is a list of SIMPLE things you need to make sure you do at least annually.
One Focus Property Management - Tuesday, December 21, 2021
How healthy are your rental property investments? It is end of the year and time to evaluate how the last year has gone and what we will do differently next year. Cassie Parker of Renter's Warehouse Hampton Roads and Jennifer Ruelens of One Focus Property Management get...
One Focus Property Management - Friday, December 17, 2021
You want to buy a rental property because you know the path to wealth is rentals and passive income. Please enjoy our beginner's guide to buying a rental property. The only way to get good at this is to do it. Use this guide to get started, and get some experience...
One Focus Property Management - Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Avoiding landlord mistakes will save you money and frustration. The trouble is, they are easily made without great guidance. Let me be your teacher today and share with you the top five mistakes I see landlords making in 2021. Join the conversation with other Pennsylv...
One Focus Property Management - Monday, December 6, 2021
I had the opportunity to tour Denver rental properties for three days. I share my key takeaways that can inform how rental property owners in smaller markets can differentiate their properties. Denver is an example of a market with growth in population and real estate devel...
One Focus Property Management - Thursday, November 18, 2021
Today's video is leasing tips and tricks from the master! We interview our superstar leasing agent, Kristin Leet. Having a vacant unit is stressful. Rental property is a perishable product. That means that once this day goes by you can’t go back and ren...
One Focus Property Management - Tuesday, November 9, 2021
Make up to 25% more in rent with your lease renewal! Always wondering what the tenant is going to do at renewal and feel trapped by whether they decide to stay or not? I know you do because you talk to me about it all the time! There is a better way, let me tell you about i...
One Focus Property Management - Tuesday, November 9, 2021
I am not pulling any punches here. Rent to own is a bad idea.* Period end of story. *Owner financing real estate investments not included. We love giving rental property owner advice and rental tips for landlords, let us know what you want to know more abou...
One Focus Property Management - Wednesday, October 27, 2021
We heard you! We are now extending our professional services to Lewisburg, Danville, Bloomsburg and Berwick. First class rental property management services offered in Lock Haven, Mill Hall, Beech Creek, Jersey Shore, Avis, Linden, Cogan Station, Williamsport, Loyalsock, Mon...